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Ramadhan Kareem

Ramadhan Kareem


The only Ramadhan Giftbox in Singapore with this Special treat Moroccan spread. Inside, you will get -


1. Sidr Asel (400g) - raw, organic honey from the Mountains of Yemen, best known for its medicinal properties and numerous health benefits. Best energy booster when you fast.


2. Ajwa Dates (350g) - our Prophet's favourite dates. One of the best superfoods, boosting heart and brain health. Also on the low G.I index. 


3. Amlou (350g) - nutritious traditional Moroccan spread made with Argan oil, roasted Almonds and Honey - bursting with vitamins and antioxidants. Spread on bread, or drizzle over your salads, this is one superfood that will charge you up for a day of fasting. Can't get this anywhere else in town.



4. Low G.I Vanilla Oats Crunch (in pouch) - high in fiber and vitamins, it also helps that it tastes so goood! Perfect to charge your energy bar with.


We've included a tag card for you to write to your message with each set. 

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